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A question I otfen see among people who just discovered they're intersex is "if I get xyz procedure, will I stop being intersex?"

Strictly speaking, no one can stop you from not using the intersex label anymore once you've had whatever surgery you want. If you no longer vibe with it after a point, then feel free to toss it. I'm a guy with a blog. I can't tell you what to do.

That being said, if you really want my opinion on this: no. I don't think any procedure on earth can make someone no longer intersex. That's because, as I said before, being intersex isn't just about genitals; it's about the lived experience. That's why so many people who identify as intersex are people who are, technically, ""perfectly dyadic"" from being operated on as babies. Being intersex isn't about having a beard or tits or a big clit; being intersex is "I have to spend fifteen minutes explaining my body to doctors whenever I have even just a cold" and "for the longest time I had NO idea what was up with my body because no one explained shit to me and doctors actively hid things from me" and "in the eye of many people I am an incomplete male or female" and "I physically, biologically, cannot fit in the binary they impose on me and I have been violently punished by society for it" and a bunch of other things that I didn't think of because they're the lot of other intersex people.

So: no, I don't think you can stop being intersex any more than you can transition into being intersex. These are not possible.

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