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I've become more outspoken about intersex stuff in the past few years (outside of this blog I mean) because well, no one else is doing it, and clearly someone has to spread the word that intersex people exist. But I always have this fear of just... spreading misinformation, or speaking over someone else.

I am painfully aware that when I speak about intersex stuff, I am often the first and/or only intersex person the audience has ever seen. I am the only glimpse they have into what it means to be intersex, the issues we face, ect ect.

And the thing is... the intersex umbrella has SO many variations under its wings. As I said before, my variation has 0 impact on my health, so most of my personal issues are "I wish people would learn to shut the fuck up about my body and let me live my life." But maybe someone whose variation is disabling would feel differently! I don't know! I'm just one guy!! I'm just one guy who knows stupid little and I feel like I hold the weight of the intersex community on my shoulders, because me being one of the only ones visible means that someone could twist my words to erase someone else's struggle, and if I get a bit too angry or outspoken I could very easily get people to turn away from the intersex community as a whole like "whoa intersex people are just so RUDE they don't WANT to be in this community they HATE us all!" (I have seen that last bit happen. So many times. When I look up intersex shit on social media, it's mostly stuff where we're not here and/or futa porn, but every once in a while I run into something along the lines of "whoa intersex people are so transphobic for constantly talking about how the trans community contributes to their erasures" and it is so fucking disheartening.)

I'm just. I'm tired and angry but I'm also a little scared. But if I don't speak up fact is no one else is speaking up, so.

Ah well that's what that blog is for, so I can have a place where I can rage in peace while being all "remember intersex people exist uwu" on other platforms.

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