"Binary genders don't make sense because sex itself isn't even binary" is a very common argument in queer spaces to explain the existence of non-binary people. And it's true! Sex ISN'T binary, so gender shouldn't be either!
That being said, I'm gonna be real with all of you. It is fucking INFURIATING to see people using intersex folks as a "Gotcha!" and then completely forget about our existence. I've talked about it at length on this blog already- the erasure of intersex people in the queer community is constant. And sure, if you just never heard of us, I can understand- I can hardly expect people to magically know about something no one speaks about. But if you use that "intersex people exist so nb people exist!" argument, then you know we exist. You KNOW we exist. Why do you never fucking TALK about us. Just last week while scrolling through queer blogs on neocities, I found a really cool ressource debunking common queerphobic arguments. I was so excited! It talked about trans people, gay people, ace people! You know how it talked about intersex people? "Sex isn't binary, so gender shouldn't be binary either." That's it. Nothing about how everyone thinks of us as magical futanaris, nothing about how we're at large considered like disrodered freaks who need to be fixed at birth?
"Intersex people exist so trans people are justified in existing" did you know that the term "assigned gender" originally comes from medical books on intersex people? In the context of "well if a kid's junk doesn't look right, assign it a gender and mutilate the genitals to match whatever you assigned?
"Intersex people exist so trans people are justified in existing" did you know that all the cool gender affirming surgeries & HRT & such were originally made to "fix" intersex bodies? That many such surgeries were, and are still performed on infants, aka people who cannot give any informed consent (and are often kept in the dark as to what they did on them?) That there is a long history of trans people faking being intersex to get such surgeries?
"Intersex people exist so trans people are justified in existing" did you know that the very concept of "gender" comes from John Money, a man who did some truly horrific shit to intersex kids to "experiment" with how someone would grow up to identify as a gender or another?
So? Do you know the full history between intersex and trans people? Or are we just a hypothetical you like to bring up because it shuts conservatives up? You can use us as a "gotcha!" the day you stand by us for our fights too.
Also, for the records: conservatives don't care. "Intersex people exist so trans people exist" doesn't work for them because to them, intersex folks aren't "a third category of sex" we're freaks who should at best get corrected and at worst die at birth.