An Intersex Blog
Recent Findings: Spay me, a short bitsy game about being intersex. Read the warnings.
A bunch of intersex-related blinkies and buttons. Feel free to use these!

A blinkie of the intersex flag with the text [intersex pride]

A 80x31 button of the intersex flag with the text [intersex and proud] A 80x31 button of the intersex flag A 80x31 button that reads [intersex joy]. The O in joy is purple on a yellow background to mimic the intersex flag.

Invisibility in Queer Spaces

16 Jul, 2024

I probably mentioned it more than once already, but the constant erasure of intersex people in queer spaces is so deeply tiring.

Granted, "the queer community clearly favors some people over others" is nothing new; I remember a few years back, I (trans aroace) was looking up "LGBT books," I found quite a lot of LG, very rarely some B, and everything else was completely absent. People are a bit better now; I find trans shit much easier when I look, I find the occasional ace character here and there, but when it comes to intersex stuff... no word can explain the anguish I feel when I open up a zine labelled "history of the LGBTI community" that does not mention intersex people ever (especially when the history of the intersex community is so closely tied to that of trans people, but that's a story for another post.)

But man. Do you know how it feel, to look up intersex stuff and find loads of post saying "and happy pride to all people of various genders and sexualities!" with no actual mention of sex variations? Do you know how it feels, to see people say shit like "LOL cis people don't know they could have any grab bag of chromosomes" without any consideration for the real oppression intersex people (even cis intersex people!) face? Do you know how it feels, to see people only care for intersex struggles if they're somehow related to trans struggles? For fuck's sake, Caster Semenya is an intersex athlete who was forced to undergo surgery to reduce her T level to keep competing. I expect dumbass cishetallos to say shit like "oh clearly she was secretly a man trying to take over women's sports", but to see my own community call for transmisoginy while blatantly ignoring the intersexism of it?

I'm tired. I'm tired that people discourse the progress flag with teh argument that "the purple circle is overcharging the flag" while blatantly ignoring that it represents the intersex flag which does not fit under the transgender OR the non-het umbrella. I'm tired that within my own community I cannot use the word "intersex" else people will make blatantly wrong assumptions about me and my junk. I can say I'm trans I can say I'm ace but when it comes to my body I have to keep it to "oh my hormone levels are kinda doing whatever" because whenever people here "intersex" they either assume it's a gender (wrong) or it's a synonimous of futa (wronger).

Like, come the fuck on man. I say "queer community" because it's shorter than the full acronym, but barely a decade ago most people called it the "LGBTI community." The I brother the I we're the I don't forget about the I. Did you guys not... google the acronym? Are you THAT uncurious about your queer brethens?

Recent Findings: Spay me, a short bitsy game about being intersex. Read the warnings.